A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault
Team World takes the first set
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
AD A.Zve
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with a Service Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Unforced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
AD J.Isn
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Backhand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Double Fault
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
A. ZVEREV wins the point with a Backhand Winner
J. ISNER wins the point with an Ace
A. ZVEREV loses the point with a Backhand Unforced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Forehand Forced Error
J. ISNER wins the point with a Forehand Winner
J. ISNER loses the point with a Double Fault