BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//project/author//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343237 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240920T110000Z DTEND:20240920T110000Z CREATED:20231226CET1727243600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1727243600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 1 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 1 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343336 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240921T110000Z DTEND:20240921T110000Z CREATED:20231226CET1751523600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1753343600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 2 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 5 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343436 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240922T100000Z DTEND:20240922T100000Z CREATED:20231226CET1755273600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1755273600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 3 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 9 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343239 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240920T110000Z DTEND:20240920T110000Z CREATED:20231226CET1727553600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1727553600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 1 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 2 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343338 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240921T110000Z DTEND:20240921T110000Z CREATED:20231226CET1752213600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1753233600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 2 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 6 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343439 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240922T100000Z DTEND:20240922T100000Z CREATED:20231226CET1756153600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1756153600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 3 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 10 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343331 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240920T170000Z DTEND:20240920T170000Z CREATED:20231226CET1729533600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1729533600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 1 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 3 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343430 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240921T170000Z DTEND:20240921T170000Z CREATED:20231226CET1753043600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1753043600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 2 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 7 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343534 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240922T100000Z DTEND:20240922T100000Z CREATED:20231226CET1757343600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1757343600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 3 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 11 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343333 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240920T170000Z DTEND:20240920T170000Z CREATED:20231226CET1730343600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1730343600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 1 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 4 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343434 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240921T170000Z DTEND:20240921T170000Z CREATED:20231226CET1754053600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1755393600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 2 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 8 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c61766572204375702032303234203132343531 DTSTAMP:20240726T165346Z DTSTART:20240922T100000Z DTEND:20240922T100000Z CREATED:20231226CET1756453600 LAST-MODIFIED:20231226CET1757003600 DESCRIPTION:Disclaimer: Match schedule is provisional and is subject to alteration without notice (Refer to website for updates). URL;VALUE=URI: SUMMARY:Laver Cup - Day 3 - Player v Player | Berlin 2023 – Match 12 LOCATION:Berlin END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR